Bone grafting is an invasive surgical process that replaces damaged, broken, or missing tissue with a new tissue to repair damaged bone, as well as to restore function to a broken bone. It is one of the most complex surgeries that can be performed. This article will provide some basic information on the surgical process.
The first step in bone graft surgery is the identification of the type of bone that need to be replaced and the area where it is damaged. The type of bone can be identified by X-rays and CT scans. Next, the surgeon will cut a small portion of the bone to make a graft. Once the graft is done, the bone will be replaced to ensure it does not become susceptible to infection.
This surgical process requires several days for recovery and healing time. After it is healed and the bone graft is in place, the surgeon will then remove it. This is a very delicate surgery, and should only be performed on people who have no history of disease or injury.
There are two types of grafts available for bone grafting. One is called an arthroplasty, and the other is known as a sagging bone graft.
Arthroplasty is performed on the front part of the bone and involves removing the bone and inserting it into another bone. In contrast, sagging bone graft is used on the back part of the bone, and involves replacing the bone at an angle, as if it is breaking.
Bone graft surgery is considered to be the most effective way of repairing bones when other treatments fail. It does not involve any incisions, and does not take very long for the new bone to heal. It is also one of the few surgeries that does not have to be repeated within the next ten years.
There are different types of bones that can be replaced using a bone graft. A bony prominences graft is used to replace a damaged, broken, or bent bony prominences on the front part of a bone. This type of graft consists of a thin, transparent plastic tube that is inserted through a small incision on the front part of the bone and into a bony prominence. The bone is then secured and attached to the tube.
A bone graft may also be used to replace a fractured bone that has been bent at the point of the fracture. A bone graft may also be used to cover the bone where the bone has been broken and damaged so that it is less likely to break again in the future. Bone grafting may also be used to replace a bone where there is deformation, such as where a part of the bone has separated from the bone matrix.
The cost of this procedure varies depending on the type of bone that needs to be replaced, the size of the bone, and whether or not it is still growing. In general, it is quite costly, and it can take many days to recover after it is completed. Because of this, it is typically only recommended for patients who have little or no bone growth to replace.