Arthritis is the cause of pain, stiffness, heat and inflammation in affected joints which usually include the feet, ankles, hips, neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists and hands. Treatment of these conditions is focused on relieving these symptoms.
One of the more effective treatments currently available includes ozone therapy.
It assists in reducing inflammation and pain, along with strengthening the immune-system, which are three of the common characteristics linked to arthritis. These treatments
also have no side-effects and work on improving the quality-of-life in the patient, especially when the condition has caused limited mobility.
Reasons To Use Ozone Therapy
Arthritis treatment is usually multifaceted. One of these facets include medications that slow down the processes of joint-destruction, decreases inflammation and relieves pain. Even though these drugs are known for causing side-effects, the latest improvements are aimed at reducing these adverse side effects.
One of the other common treatments that are indicated in patients with arthritis is using orthopedic products and splints that provides immediate improvements to the joint issues. An example of this includes various insoles that are designed for people with rheumatoid arthritis that provides a cushioning for their feet.
This relieves pain in the feet, ankles and the knees along with facilitating blood flow.
The Many Benefits Of Ozone Therapy
Ozone therapy is a method that involves applying a specific concentration of ozone and oxygen. This compound dissolves rapidly into the body, when it makes contact with the different molecules, that generates oxidative stress that is acute. This is associated with a number of benefits. Some of these include the following:
– It improves tissue-oxygenation in the way of increasing the oxygen-transport capacity.
– It improves the antioxidant systems inside the body.
– Has an antiplatelet effect.
– Disinfectant and bacterial effects.
– It assists the immune-system to combat autoimmune diseases and infections.
Over and above these benefits for treating arthritis, rheumatism and osteoarthritis, ozone therapy has offered a way to dramatically reduce medications. In addition, recovery times are also a lot quicker. Patients also start to feel better and the general state-of-mind also improves.
This offers a way for many patients to go back to many of their day-to-day activities, which translates into an increase in quality-of-life. One of the main advantages of these treatments is that it is free from medications and has no side-effects, nor will it interact with any other medications that the patient may be taking.
All these benefits is a clear reason why Ozone Therapy has started to become one of the preferred options for treating conditions that cause chronic inflammation like arthritis or autoimmune diseases. Today, Ozone Therapy is also used to treat other types of disorders which include cervicalgia, lower back pain or herniated
or bulging discs.
It is a fast, painless and a highly effective technique. These treatments are also available through outpatient facilities. These treatments are associated with extremely few contraindications and will never produce complications when carried out by personnel that are experienced and qualified with using these types of techniques.